Okay, so you want to fail. You want to crash and burn your finances. You really don’t care about all that “saving money” talk and would rather live your life on the edge – of homelessness. What advice is out there for a person like you? Well, here you go. These are my top five […]
Archives for 2010
5 Money Moves You’ll (Possibly) Regret Later!
There’s a lot of good advice out there in the blogosphere, but it doesn’t mean you should take it! We have to do our own due diligence to make sure that the advice we get is right for us. So let’s take a look at five very common pieces of advice. You may be surprised […]
Making Side Income Can Help Blunt The Impact Of Becoming A One Income Family
My wife and I just had our first child 2 months ago, a healthy little baby boy named Carter. Becoming a parent has been a life changing experience, and one I recommend to anyone, but it isn’t without it’s challenges. While we were preparing to have our son, we realized that we were going to […]
FNBO Direct Online Savings Account Review: High Yield Savings Account
Over the past year or so I’ve written quite a few reviews of online banks, talking about the histories and features of each respective financial establishment. Over the past year we’ve opened two separate savings accounts, one at Ally Bank since it currently enjoys one of the higher rates of interest, and one at Capital […]
Bush Tax Cuts Still Not Renewed. Tax Cuts Become A Political Football In Election Season
As we get nearer to election season the rhetoric surrounding one of the biggest tax issues this year is coming at us at a feverish pace. The Bush Tax Cuts are expiring this year, and without them being renewed for all taxpayers we could see one of the largest tax increases in some time. Both […]
Nearly A Quarter of Fidelity’s 401(k) Accounts Have Loans Against Them. Why This Is A Bad Idea.
A while back I wrote an article about 401k loans and taking early withdrawals from your retirement account. I talked about the penalties you could face, and explained why I think it’s a bad idea. This week I was reading some economic news and came upon an article on Reuters.com that gives a startling statistic […]
3 Financial Principles You Can Depend On!
I‘ve been writing about finance for some time now, and in all my research 3 principles stand out as the most important. You’ve heard these before; the problem is most people don’t take them to heart. If you follow these straightforward rules of thumb, you’re almost guaranteed to become wealthy. Let’s start with the one […]
Get Motivated To Reach Your Financial Goals – And Motivate Others!
Every once in a while it’s easy to get into a funk with our finances. We get out of our groove, we mess up our rhythm, we slack off. What I mean is that it’s easy to slip back into bad habits like getting into debt, or seemingly forgetting how to save money or just […]
How I Keep Track Of Blog Income And Expenses And Why It’s Important
When you start making any kind of income for your blog, it’s important to start tracking the income and expenses so that you can pay taxes on that money. Here’s how I do it.
5 Things About Money I Wish I Would Have Known When I Was Younger
Sam Ewing, who used to play baseball for the Chicago White Sox, once said, “Inflation is when you pay fifteen dollars for the ten-dollar haircut you used to get for five dollars when you had hair.” Many of us may feel that we can never quite catch up with our money, but one thing is […]
How To Get A Spouse To Start Budgeting
Married couples don’t always see eye to eye. If you’re married, you didn’t need me to tell you that :). When I started writing about making a budget and answering budgeting related questions, I found that people often struggle with a spouse who won’t get on board with the finances. The usual response is a […]
What Is An Economic Bubble Anyway?
It seems nearly every financial publication released today has the term “bubble” in it somewhere. Many of us know it’s a bad thing, but what does it really mean and how do they happen? Do they truly have an effect on the average consumer? Hopefully we can clear up the confusion of what an economic […]
Buying A New Or Used Car? Negotiating Tips To Use With Car Dealers
Shopping for a car can be stressful. If you do your research, however, and understand how the sales process works, you’ll end up paying a lot less money.
How To Get Free Financial Help Online
I’ve talked a lot over at One Money Design about my personal experience as a Money Map Coach and often share how this FREE program is a helpful resource for people experiencing financial challenges. In short, the coaching services are FREE and available through Crown Financial Ministries. Crown is dedicated to equipping people worldwide to […]