Ok, if you are reading this then there is a pretty good chance you are a Christian that is interested in Biblical Finance (if you aren’t a Christian…please keep reading to get a simple, easy to understand explanation of why Christians are called to be generous). Anyway, if you are one of those Christian Finance […]
Archives for 2010
Dave Ramsey’s New House: Did He Follow His Own Advice And Pay Cash?
Dave Ramsey recently built a new house, and the home and land are valued at over $4,900,000! Did he follow his own teaching and pay cash?
Lending Club Update: Still Making Good Returns, But They Could Be Better
I‘ve been investing in Lending Club for quite some time now, and so far I’ve been extremely happy with the experience. I’m getting a good return on my money, while at the same time helping others to get loans at lower rates than they might have otherwise been able to obtain. I really do think […]
Don’t Let Tithing Rules Rob You of the Joy of Giving
I was reading through some of the articles on giving and tithing at Crown Financial Ministries the other day. I was struck by something that both saddened and angered me at the same time. Many of their articles ask and answer questions like “Should I tithe on my Social Security checks?”, “Should I tithe on […]
Taxpayers Could Face A Tax Increase As Congress Delays Vote On Taxes
We’ve written about the Bush tax cuts several times in the last few months, and how if Congress doesn’t act, the tax cuts will be expiring for everyone, not just the wealthy. While I still think it’s a remote possibility that the tax cuts won’t be renewed, and that congress will just blame it not […]
What Is A Health Savings Account (HSA)? How Does It Work?
Last year I wrote a lengthy post on Flexible Spending Accounts (FSA) because the company I work for was looking for ways to help employees cut costs in light of a large health insurance premium increase that we were slated to see. Flexible spending accounts are a great deal because they allow you to set […]
Christians And Wealth: Do They Mix?
Today I’d like to tackle a difficult topic. Every Christian surely has struggled with thoughts about becoming rich: is it a godly thing to do? It’s not always easy to understand how God views wealth. However, the Bible does have a lot to say about the topic of money. So let’s start there, with the […]
Ways To Make Extra Income: How To Create And Sell An Ebook On Your WordPress Site
One thing that I’ve been a huge proponent of on this blog is finding ways that you can create income on the side to help turbo boost your progress towards reaching your financial goals. I’ve talked about a lot of ways that I’ve used generate income to help me reach my financial goals. Among the […]
Ebook Review And Interview: Sell Your Crap By Adam Baker
Last week I briefly touched on a new e-book package that just came out that was written by Adam Baker, the mind behind the entertaining blog, ManVsDebt.com. The e-book talks about a topic that I know pretty well, selling your stuff to make a bit of extra cash. A couple of years ago my wife […]
Cash Back Rewards Can Help You Save On Everyday Expenses. Tell Us How You Would Use Your Cash Back – And Win A Starbucks Gift Card.
If you’ve been reading this site for a while now you probably know that I’m a big proponent of budgeting, paying cash for the things you buy, and in general not using credit in most situations. I think that so many people that are in financial dire straights right now would be so much better […]
Is It Harder To Not Fall Prey To Consumerism When You Can Afford It More?
Last night I was watching a great set of video interviews by Adam Baker over at ManVsDebt.com with other popular writers, bloggers and world travelers. I can’t link to the videos because they’re actually part of his great new premium e-book package that he’s offering called “Sell Your Crap“. ( I started reading the e-books […]
Money Isn’t The Problem. Our Interaction With It Is.
I live and work in a metropolitan area, which means I spend a lot of time on buses and trains with my nose in a book attempting to avoid my fellow riders in the friendliest way possible. One of my co-workers suggested I add The Soul of Money to my Express Bus Reading List – […]
Have You Counted The Cost?
I‘m going to warn you right now. You’re not going to feel comfortable reading this article. Jesus’ words here are very challenging, and what I’m about to share with you may dishearten you if you haven’t already considered the following passage in detail. In Luke 14:26-33 we read: 26 “If anyone comes to me and […]
We’re Adding A New Staff Writer. Please Welcome Paul Williams!
Bible Money Matters was launched over 2 and a half years ago and since then I have strived to make it one of the top destinations on the web for great writing in the Christian finance niche. I’ve aimed to make the site useful for Christians and non-Christians alike, and for the most part I […]