These past couple of weeks have been eye opening for me, and I have been challenged to think about greed, generosity and idolatry in whole new ways. It all started a few weeks back with a new building campaign fund that was being started at our church. Our congregation bought a new building 2 years […]
Archives for October 2010
Are Americans More Financially Secure This Year Than Last? Or Just Being Optimistic?
The past few years have been tough ones for our economy, with the market dropping, unemployment skyrocketing, and other general economic indicators not being too favorable. A lot of people have lost a lot of their net worth during that time, and many of them were on the point of despondency because they didn’t know […]
How To Save Money On Getting Your Car Serviced Or Repaired
Automotive tasks I can do: change a tire clean and replace an air filter change oil replace wiper blades jumpstart, test and replace a battery replace a taillight Automotive tasks I can’t do (partial list): isolate a pinhole leak in the fuel filler neck and hose assembly maintain and/or replace an evaporator canister recognize the […]
God’s Provident Plan: Contentment In Christ
Last week, I laid the foundation for how I studied personal finance in the Bible. I gave you a light introduction to what I call God’s Provident Plan and promised we’d look at each aspect in more depth. This is the first part of a series in which I’ll share what I’ve discovered about personal […]
Is Cheap Term Life Insurance Worth It?
I’m sure you’ve seen those commercials. “Buy $500,000 of term insurance for $10 per month! Guaranteed. We won’t even ask you health questions!” Okay, so maybe they don’t say exactly that, but it’s pretty close. They promise a ridiculous amount of insurance for very little cost. How can the do that? Just a quick search […]
Dumping Debt & Building Wealth Giveaway: Win A Dave Ramsey Starter Kit Or Other Prizes!
One thing that I have aimed to do over the past couple of years is to make this site a place where people could come to get solid financial advice in order to help them get back on track, pay off debt and start building wealth. I’ve done that by writing about budgets, plans for […]
What Is The Best Place To Open A Roth IRA?
As my wife and I go through the Dave Ramsey’s 7 Baby Steps, we’re finally completing step 3, building 3-6 months of expenses (although we decided to save closer to a year of expenses), and we’re now entering step 4 where you are to invest 15% into Roth IRAs and other pre-tax retirement accounts. While […]
When Is Enough… Enough?
First off I want to thank Peter for having me on his blog as a guest writer. I wanted to try and tackle a tough question for everyone and I am glad he gave me the opportunity. After reading Peter’s article on Dave Ramsey’s New House I started to dive into the comments, post a […]
What Is God’s Plan For A Christian’s Personal Finances?
How many of you have heard that there are over 2,000 Bible verses about money? I’ve heard it, too. In 2007, I wondered if there really were that many Bible verses about money and finances. You see this was of special interest to me as I had just started my career in financial planning. Being […]
Redefining Riches: The Basics Of Biblical Generosity
Ok, if you are reading this then there is a pretty good chance you are a Christian that is interested in Biblical Finance (if you aren’t a Christian…please keep reading to get a simple, easy to understand explanation of why Christians are called to be generous). Anyway, if you are one of those Christian Finance […]
Dave Ramsey’s New House: Did He Follow His Own Advice And Pay Cash?
Dave Ramsey recently built a new house, and the home and land are valued at over $4,900,000! Did he follow his own teaching and pay cash?
Lending Club Update: Still Making Good Returns, But They Could Be Better
I‘ve been investing in Lending Club for quite some time now, and so far I’ve been extremely happy with the experience. I’m getting a good return on my money, while at the same time helping others to get loans at lower rates than they might have otherwise been able to obtain. I really do think […]
Don’t Let Tithing Rules Rob You of the Joy of Giving
I was reading through some of the articles on giving and tithing at Crown Financial Ministries the other day. I was struck by something that both saddened and angered me at the same time. Many of their articles ask and answer questions like “Should I tithe on my Social Security checks?”, “Should I tithe on […]
Taxpayers Could Face A Tax Increase As Congress Delays Vote On Taxes
We’ve written about the Bush tax cuts several times in the last few months, and how if Congress doesn’t act, the tax cuts will be expiring for everyone, not just the wealthy. While I still think it’s a remote possibility that the tax cuts won’t be renewed, and that congress will just blame it not […]