Why I Love My Credit Card If you’re read my site for a while you may be a bit surprised to find out that I actually do use a credit card. I’m usually the one that’s first to tell people that they shouldn’t use credit, and that they should save up for things that they […]
Archives for December 2009
Democrats Hope To Pass A Second U.S. Stimulus Bill By Early 2010
Fresh off of a $787 billion stimulus package passed in February of 2009, congressional Democrats are now beginning to talk about passing a second, more modest stimulus package sometime within the next few months – aimed at easing the unemployment crisis. From Reuters: Congressional Democrats’ push for another U.S. stimulus package got a boost on […]
Preparing For Difficult Times: When The Money Manager Is Unable To Perform Responsibilities
As the family money manager, I have an important responsibility which I never considered before last week. It’s a responsibility to insure my wife knows how to get access to all of our financial information and important documents immediately, if something ever happened to me. This is a serious topic many people don’t want to […]
How Much Money Do You Save By Wearing Nice Clothes?
“I’m going to change when I get to the LAX airport”. A friend of mine was recently flying from Australia to Los Angeles. He planned to wear a pair of jeans on the first flight and then change for his connecting flight within the States. “I always get treated better when I’m dressed up. You’re […]