The new college semester is around the corner and there is only one stop for personal finance, career advice, and tips on college life in general- Studenomics. If you like this article then please consider subscribing to his feed! As a college student you want money to keep up with the latest fashion trends, to […]
Archives for August 2009
Ten Ways To Be Sure Helping Is Helping
“He who is kind to the poor lends to the Lord, and he will reward him for what he has done”. Proverbs 19:17 “He who gives to the poor will lack nothing, but he who closes his eyes to them receives many curses”. Proverbs 28:27 “Speak up for those who cannot speak for themselves, for […]
Devotional: False Appearance
And no wonder, for Satan himself masquerades as an angel of light. – 2 Corinthians 11:14 In my room at the care center, there is a large window that takes up the entire top half of one wall. From the perspective of where I sit in my wheelchair, the view out the window is wonderful. […]
Introduction To Peer-To-Peer Lending: Signing Up To Use Lending Club
Peer to peer lending has been a hot topic on personal finance blogs for the last year or so. Lots of people are promoting it as a good way to make decent returns on your money – even in a tough economy like we’re in (Some might argue that it’s because of the hard times we’re […]
Cash For Clunkers Gets A $2 Billion Cash Infusion And Rises From The Dead.. For Now
More Cash – For Cash For Clunkers It was only a week ago that we were talking about how the Cash For Clunkers program had only been active for a week, and it was already running out of money. $1 billion dollars had been assigned to the program and after demand for the vouchers was […]
Manage Money By Living From Heaven Backwards
This article is provided by Jason Price at One Money Design. Jason is a Money Map Coach and has a personal finance blog that is all about managing money wisely for everyday living. He believes there is financial hope for people. He has a passion to see people prosper, become debt free, and experience financial […]
Middle Class Anxiety And Suggestions For Overcoming It
Visit Money Help For Christians to find out how to get a free copy of one of Craig’s recently completed eBooks. Middle Class Anxiety In his book A Millionaire’s Common Sense Approach to Wealth, Dexter Yager introduces a concept he calls ‘middle class anxiety’. Here is how Yager suggests you can diagnose someone with middle […]
Book Review: Money, Purpose, Joy. The Proven Path To Uncommon Financial Success
A while back I received a review copy of a new book that had just come out called Money, Purpose, Joy written by personal finance author and speaker Matt Bell. I didn’t read the book right away, just filed it away in my stack of books that publishers send me so often. (Sometimes you can […]